Monday, January 29, 2007

MU is played! TNT whuh whuh!!

ok, some of you may not yet have had the pleasure of seeing stomp the yard. see it. i mean, it's got moves that don't stop! that dancing is REEEdiculous! maaaany HOT guys with shirts off, (don't worry guys, there are some fine ladies as well... just not as many - ha!.) personal growth and triumph over adversity! happy endings! and of course, there are countless golden opportunities for interaction - random commentary by the viewer(s) only adds to the experience.

you might ask, "how has stomp the yard changed your life?" first and foremost, it has introduced me to the apparently thriving world of competetive stepping. i mean, some of it looks sort of easy, but trust me, it's NOT. i've already started practicing for my ward talent show in april, and let me tell you, my team and i are going to need every day until then to perfect our fly routine. second, this marvelous film has taught me the valuable lessons of humility and teamwork. take my work as a superhero for example (see post above.) i used to think my superhero sh*#! didn't stink and that i could save the world all on my own. now i know, it's not all about me showing off and getting the glory. it's about the TEAM. what team? the human team! we need to work together to "step", if you will, into a brighter future. deep, right?

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